I hope to inspire and entertain you with a lot of sewing and a little of everything else!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Block Bonanza Reveal, part 2

Here is the next installment of quilts that were part of the recent Block Bonanza at my Quilt Guild.

This colorful quilt has a seahorse theme. If you look carefully, all of the center squares were provided, along with the fabrics and suggested patterns. I was running really late when I worked on this one, so mine is the top-left, courthouse steps block.
The girl who designed this quilt wanted everyone to do the same block- I don't know the name. We were to choose our own fabrics and use a yellow background with blue centers. Mine is the top-left block.
This quilt is a very contemporary mix of batiks in subtle colors. Mine is the center block, a paper-pieced star. I was very disappointed with the lack of contrast. I was trying to do something different than all the "white" backgrounds, but I should have used it, too.
This is another very colorful quilt by a girl who loves purple. My block is the snail trail in the center of the top-9. Someone in our group didn't like their first block and made an alternate, which is why there are 10 on this one.
I'll end with a sneak peak of what I am currently working on. It's the smocked sundress "sew along" over at Ellie Inspired. Lots of fun and easy plus a free pattern- how can you go wrong? I love sew alongs because I feel like I have to keep up, so it makes me finish my project quickly!
We are officially on summer vacation as of yesterday, so I hope to be blogging much more often!

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